Homes and Habitats for Birds
Homes and Habitats for Birds
An introduction to Architecture, Design and Planning
A site - specific project, investigating the school site and its relationship with One Manchester’s new housing development. Working with Chapel St Primary School - Levenshulme Manchester
An aspect of regeneration and new builds may bring disruption to natural habitats. This was ideal opportunity for the children to explore different ways to introduce and promote natural habitats in their local environment. Contributing to the ‘greening of spaces’ initiative within local housing schemes and connecting children to their urban environment. We know from past projects and national research that connecting with nature, engaging with the environment and enhancing places has positive benefits, promoting health, happiness and well- being for all.
Creative workshops with the children and the school community around the idea of ‘Place Understanding’ ‘Place Shaping’ and ‘Place Making’
Site survey to gather key information Investigating the ecology of the school, with the focus on birds, trees and natural habitats
Explore various forms of mapping, including spatial visualization, analysis and exploration of the site and local area, the routes the children take to school, encouraging them to identify differences in the environment
Development of ideas through creative processes
Exploring natural methods and construction of homes and habitats, form and function and use of materials, to widen the children’s knowledge and understanding of their local environment.
The children will explore ideas of how the environment in which they live and play impacts on their general feeling of happiness and wellbeing, of connectedness and belonging.